ETH Zurich I Space offer

We support ETH Zurich members in all phases of a project: starting from legal support to help with proposals, as well as help in fundraising and navigating the Swiss space ecosystem and facilitate the consortia building.

Our Offer

Our team has extensive practical experience from the space industry and in collaboration with agencies. They are happy to support you:

  • Researchers:               get in touch directly with us
  • Start-ups:                     interested or related to space? Go to: external
  • Industry partners:      get in touch directly with us

FAQ - Frequently asked questions


I am looking for...

Space research at ETH is done by the individual institutes, labs, and professors. Hence, they have to be contacted directly. ETH Zürich | Space does not carry out any projects itself and therefore does not offer any diploma theses or research positions.

, which will ask you to specify what you are looking for exactly (thesis type), what topic you are interested in, where it could be carried out and the proposed start/duration of the project. 

The new M.Sc. program in Space Systems at ETH Zurich is set to start in summer 2024and is aimed at students holding a B.Sc. in engineering, physics, and related scientific disciplines. We are trying our best to provide comprehensive details, including the curriculum and enrolment procedure, by January 2024. external pageSign up to our mailing list to receive information about the program as soon as it becomes available.

If you are looking for a job opportunity in space, a table with job offers in Switzerland will soon be posted in the ETH Zürich | Space member area. ETH Zürich | Space currently does not offer any job opportunities and does not organize any industrial internships. All upcoming vacancies at ETH Zürich I Space are officially advertised on the ETH Zürich Job Portal.  

If you are interested in developing a research topic, contact the relevant ETH institutes directly. You can find all the departments of the ETHZ including, for example, to the institutes list of Mechanical and Process Engineering (D-MAVT), Physics (D-PHYS), Earth Sciences (D-ERDW), Information Technology and Electrical Engineering (D-ITET), and Computer Science (D-INFK). Further opportunities might also be available within one of the competence centres. The brochure offers a few examples of ETH groups doing space research.

If you still cannot find your topic, please   and give us some valuable information about which what you are looking for exactly (position, etc.), what topic you are interested in, who the stakeholders involved are (or prospect to), where it should be implemented and the proposed timeline/planning.

ETH Zürich | Space does not conduct research by itself and therefore does not offer research positions.

Feel free to  specifying the type of collaboration (e.g. topic or problem to solve?, type of collaboration e.g. project, PhD, etc.? your timeline? other organisations/companies involved?).

General inquiries can be sent to .  

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